Mathematics Course Catalog

1st Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB103 Abstract Mathematics I 4 0 6
MATB105 Analysis I 4 2 6
MATB107 Analytical Geometry I 4 0 5
KRYP01 Career Planning 1 0 2
YDİ101 Foreign Language I (English) 2 0 2
MATB109 Physics I 3 2 5
ATİ101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I 2 0 2
TDİ101 Turkish Language I 2 0 2
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB104 Abstract Mathematics II 4 0 6
MATB112 Analysis II 4 2 7
MATB120 Analytic Geometry II 4 0 6
YDİ102 Foreign Language II (English) 2 0 2
MATB108 Physics II 3 2 5
ATİ102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II 2 0 2
TDİ102 Turkish Language II 2 0 2
Total ECTS: 30
2nd Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB211 Analysis III 4 2 7
MATB203 Computer Programming I 2 2 4
MATB201 Linear Algebra I 4 0 6
MATB221 Ordinary Differential Equations 4 0 5
MATB209 Probability and Statistics 4 0 5
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective 3
UNİSEC-İHF 010 Advanced Ottoman Turkish(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 007 Anatolian Cultural History and Archeology(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-arkeo) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 011 Andalusian Civilization(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC302 Basic Japanese(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Alm.Dil.Ed.) 4 0 4
UNİSEC-FEF 004 Basic Japanese(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Alm.Dil.Ed.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 004 Climate Information(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-HF 001 Communication and Social Media Law(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 001 Current Faith Problems(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 012 Electric Vehicles(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Mak.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 009 entrepreneurship(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 006 entrepreneurship(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
HUK3107 Environmental Law(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 005 Environmental Policies in the EU and Turkey(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 2 0 3
BYLB125 Environment and Society(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Biyoloji) 3 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 005 Functional Foods(Ziraat Fak.-Gıd.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 021 History and Geography of Agriculture(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Coğrafya) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 012 History and Geography of Islamic Countries(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 018 History of civilization(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Tarih) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 011 History of Thought(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Fra.Dil.Ed.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 014 Hobby Poultry Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 007 Honey Bee Breeding Techniques(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 002 Human-Animal Bond and Interaction(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 007 Introduction to Fundamentals of Electrotechnics(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Elek-Elektro Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 004 Introduction to Reading the Quran(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 012 Life and Survival in Nature(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 003 Medical Terminology(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 010 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 001 New Cultivars(Ziraat Fak.-BhBtk.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 013 Organic Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 009 Organic farming(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 002 Orthopedic and Dental Materials(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Biyomed.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-GSF 006 Picture from the Viewer´s Perspective(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Resim) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 008 Plant Genetic Resources(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 010 Research and Reporting Techniques(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-İnş.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 001 Residue and Public Health(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-SBF 001 Risk Management in Disasters(S.B.F-Ac.Yrd.Af.Yön) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 011 Social Life Women and Economy(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Maliye) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-GSF 010 Sociology in Movies(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Radyo,Televizyon ve Sinema) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 023 Sociology of Consumption(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Sosyoloji) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-TMDK 001 Turkish Music I(Türk Müziği Devlet Kons.-Çalgı Eğitimi) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 016 War and Order in the Middle East(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Ulus.İliş.) 2 0 3
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB212 Analysis IV 4 2 7
MATB204 Computer Programming II 2 2 5
MATB216 Introduction to Topology 4 0 6
MATB202 Linear Algebra II 4 0 5
MATB214 Partial Differential Equations 4 0 7
Total ECTS: 30
3rd Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB313 Abstract Algebra and Number Th. I 4 0 7
MATB375 Differential Geometry II 4 0 5
MATB315 Fınctional Analysis I 4 0 6
MATB311 Theory of Complex Functions I 4 0 7
Elective 5
MATB381 Introduction to Software 4 0 5
MATB355 Vector Analysis 4 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB314 Abstract Algebra and Number Th. II 4 0 7
MATB376 Differential Geometry II 4 0 5
MATB316 Functional Analysis II 4 0 6
MATB312 Theory of Complex Functions II 4 0 7
Elective 5
MATB386 Approximation Theory 4 0 5
MATB390 Fourier Analysis 4 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
4th Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB413 Real Analysis 4 0 6
Elective 24
MATB491 Applied Mathematics I 4 0 6
MATB437 Basic Statistical Methods with Programming Languages 4 0 6
MATB415 Differential Equations and Modelling 4 0 6
MATB439 Occupational English I 4 0 6
MATB427 Optimization 4 0 6
MATB409 Projective Geometry I 4 0 6
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
MATB408 Graduation Project 0 2 6
Elective 24
MATB492 Applied Mathematics II 4 0 6
MATB434 Group Theory 4 0 6
MATB438 Multivariate Statistics 4 0 6
MATB450 Occupational English II 4 0 6
MATB410 Projective Geometry II 4 0 6
MATB428 Variational Methods in Mathematics Physics 4 0 6
Toplam AKTS: 30